WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.

Summertime Hookah Promos!

Summer Discounts On Hookah Accessories and Shisha

While things are heating up be sure to pick up the hookah accessories that are sure to keep you cool with your hookah. Summertime means spending more time outdoors and with it comes the heat. Let SouthSmoke.com cool you down with some awesome promos that you will not want to miss out on!

Vapor Freeze Tip - Hookah Accessories

Free Vapor Freeze Tip

SouthSmoke.com is currently offering a FREE Vapor Freeze Tip when you make your next online purchase of $100 or more in merchandise value. The Vapor Freeze Tip acts just like ice cubes when frozen, allowing the smoke to cool when passing through the ice chamber. This cooling effect creates one of the smoothest and coldest Hookah smoking experiences available. We have yet to find a hookah smoker that tries a freeze tip and then goes back to the old school way of not using one, they are just awesome! Combine this offer with our premium Starbuzz and Al-Fakher Flavored Shisha brands and you’ll be taking Hookah smoking to a whole new level – seriously. Click Here for more details and make sure to take advantage of this offer today!

Free Kaloud Lotus Heat Management System

Yet another fantastic promo from SouthSmoke.com comes at the $200 dollar mark. When you spend $200 or more you are eligible for a free Kaloud Lotus Heat Management System. It is a great item to keep your hookah from overheating and works even better with the Kaloud Samsaris hookah bowl. Paired together these two accessories make the most efficient bowl you have ever used.

Al Fakher Hookah Shisha TobaccoAl-Fakher Hookah Tobacco

We always have a promo running on shisha as well so be sure to check all the deals out. Take for instance this great Al-Fakher tobacco deal!

– Receive 2 Free Al-Fakher 50g Boxes with your purchase of 5 Al-Fakher 50g Boxes ($5.90 in FREE Al-Fakher)

– Receive 5 Free Al-Fakher 50g Boxes with your purchase of 10 Al-Fakher 50g Boxes ($14.75 in FREE Al-Fakher)

– Receive 15 Free Al-Fakher 50g Boxes with your purchase of 25 Al-Fakher 50g Boxes ($44.25 in FREE Al-Fakher)