We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.
We all love online shopping here at SouthSmoke.com. It allows us to buy practically anything we want without leaving the comfort of our homes. However, this time of year can be a bit tricky when it comes to purchasing gifts online and hoping they arrive on time. We have all been in that predicament, wondering if we ordered in time to make the cutoff and stressing out over shipping time. When a few shipping days makes the difference between a fantastic hookah holiday and one that’s just okay, you can’t afford to be late!
If you are looking to stuff someone’s stocking with hookah tobacco, hookah accessories, or other stocking stuffers, you have to be informed. We like to make sure our customers know the cutoff and make sure they get their hookah order processed well in advance of the holidays. The post office and UPS are more than overwhelmed at this time of year, so you need to make sure you allow a grace period for extra shipping days. After all, you never know what could happen—carrier failures like late trailers and extreme weather can both delay your hookah package’s delivery date.
Unfortunately, we here at SouthSmoke.com have no control over how fast your hookah-filled package gets to you once it leaves our hands. We are still hoping for a teleportation machine to zap your packages to you instantly, but until we find one, all we can do is continue to expedite your hookah order processing time and hope the shipping carriers do the same. Look at it this way: We want you to get your hookah, hookah tobacco, hookah accessories, or whatever else you’ve ordered before the big holiday is over.
Because we care about our customers and want you to be happy, we have put together a nice little holiday delivery schedule with ordering deadlines to make sure you will get your hookah-filled package in time to smother it in gift wrap and throw it at your buddy. Now this goes without saying, but if everybody waits until the last day to get their stuff, then no one will get their hookah packages because we will be swamped trying to get them all out in one day! So please, when the thought crosses your mind of waiting just one more day before ordering because of the deadline, just remember you are guaranteed to be about the hundredth person having the same thought that day!
Avoid a holiday disaster this year—check out this link, don’t procrastinate, and have a happy hookah holiday! https://www.southsmoke.com/holidaydelivery.cfm