WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.

LED Hookah Lights Set

Have you ever been sitting around, enjoying the sweet flavors of your favorite shisha with a group of friends during an epic hookah session and thought, “You know, as awesome as this is, it could use a little something extra!” Of course you have, because even the best hookah session can be amplified to be even better. SouthSmoke.com has the answer.

At South Smoke, we are super excited to be able to offer our hookah smokers out there the new Vapor LED Hookah Lights Set! Transform your at-home smoke session into a true one-of-a-kind experience with the LED Hookah light set which creates your very own club-like atmosphere.


Ever wondered what was in glow sticks? It’s not the good for you as it turns out. Plus, with glow sticks, you get only one color at a time. Say goodbye to all that and elevate your next hookah session with the majesty of the Vapor LED Hookah Light set. This set offers 13 different colors and settings to create just the right mood for any occasion. Everyone has that one friend that thinks they are the coolest because they are packing a waterproof motion light to accompany a hookah session. Well, wait until they see this setup under your hookah!

The LED Hookah lights run on AAA batteries and come with a remote so you can control it from the comfort of your couch. Let your buddy try that with his motion light… Not only can you change the colors, but you can adjust the brightness, intensity, and adjust to fade. This LED Light Set is sure to impress your group of friends and signal your place as the hot spot for all future smoke sessions.

Please note that these lights are not submersible and should be used under the vase, not in it! As an added bonus, you can even use the LED light set as a drink coaster, which we here at SouthSmoke.com enjoy doing when we’re not using our hookahs. Grab a light set of your own today from SouthSmoke.com and get enlightened!