We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.
What do I and my visitors get out of this?
Earn up to 15% commission on referred merchandise sales with a 10 day cookie for return visitors. You earn commission on all sales that take place up to 10 days after you send someone to SouthSmoke.com. For example, if a customer visits your site and clicks on our banner ad and doesn’t buy anything right away, but purchases something at SouthSmoke.com a few days later, you still get credited for the sale.
Does it cost anything to participate?
No. It is absolutely free to join our affiliate program.
How do I start?
It is very easy to join.
You will receive an email confirming the receipt of your application. Our staff will review your application within 1 or 2 business days. Once your application is approved we will send you, your user name and password as well as, setup instructions with banners and text links that you can put on your web site. We have created a special page for affiliate resources which will be available once your affiliate application has been approved. The affiliate resources page will provide banners, links, etc to be placed on the referring web site and this resources page will also display commission reports outlining how the different links have been performing and how much revenue is being earned.
Who can participate?
Everyone can apply. All applications are manually reviewed, and we reserve the right to refuse any application, especially if the site or e-mail list contains objectionable material, participates in unsolicited e-mailing.
Who does SouthSmoke.com want as affiliates?
SouthSmoke.com wants sites interested in selling our products. We encourage all interested sites to apply to our program. However, before you can participate in our program, we will need to approve your site.
Mainly, we look for sites that:
How do I create links to SouthSmoke.com?
Current affiliates can get links, including banners and text ads by clicking here. We will be regularly updating our links, to include lots of resources to help you sell.
When and how do I get paid?
You will be paid monthly when your commissions exceed $25.00. All checks will be mailed to the billing contact you put on the Affiliate Application.
You must submit a valid W-9 IRS Tax Form via fax to 305.402.2300 in order for affiliate commissions to be paid out. Failure to submit this form when applying for your SouthSmoke.com Affiliate Account may result in forfeiture of your affiliate commissions and suspension of your SouthSmoke.com Affiliate Account.
What products count for commission?
All products on SouthSmoke.com count for commission.
For assistance regarding the Affiliate Program, you may contact Customer Support for assistance.
Customer Support: 1-888-57-SMOKE (1-888-577-6653)
Direct Line For International Callers: 1.305.677.2485
If you are located outside of North America, please contact our customer support center Monday through Friday, from 10:30am to 6:30pm.