We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.
Haze is a brand that is known throughout the hookah community from one corner to another. They have a huge selection of tobacco flavors and they are known for having one of the most heat resilient blonde leaf tobaccos out there. In additional to their claim to fame with premium flavored tobacco products, Haze Tobacco also has one of the most popular coconut charcoal flats on the market. Now you can get everything you loved about their flats in a standard 25MM cube variation. That means you can count on getting a high quality coal that has already proven itself on the market with more heat output that lasts even longer. This ensures you don’t have to use as many coals to heat your bowl or worry about ashing them and having to change them as often.
Haze coconut charcoal cubes are 100% all-natural and made from pure coconut shells. There are no chemicals or sulfur and it is highly recommended to never light with any accelerants as this will diminish their quality and performance. Manufactured in Indonesia, they are eco-friendly and never harm any trees in the production. They have little to no odor when lighting though it is still recommended to light them in a very well ventilated area. They are uniform in size and leave very little residue on your fingers when handling them. They do not taint the taste of your tobacco as you smoke and produces very little ash so you can always expect a nice and clean session. They are spark-less and easy to light as well as guaranteed to be long lasting; you won’t have to change the coals out until the hour mark if you manage them properly. Seal it up tight after opening and keep them in a cool, dry place to ensure optimal performance from the first coal to the last. Drop by SouthSmoke.com to pick them up; they are available in 72pc (1kg) and 1440pc (20kg) boxes.