WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.

Get Back To the Basics with Tombac Hookah Tobacco

Have you ever wanted to know what hookah smoking was like in the beginning? Join us now at SouthSmoke.com and take a time-traveling adventure back to hookah’s primal age with tombac! Hookah doesn’t get any more original than this. You’ll have a one of a kind experience both smoking and preparing tombac, and we have the all-inclusive guide to help you along your journey. Let’s journey back in time and enjoy the original way to smoke hookah!

First off, tombac refers to a kind of tobacco you may not be familiar with. Unlike the popular hookah flavors and shisha flavors you’re used to (and which are undoubtedly awesome in their own right), tombac tobacco leaf will come dried. It is important to know that you will need to spend at least 24 to 48 hours soaking the tombac in water before preparing your hookah bowl. While you might be put off by this little bit of prep work, it’s well worth the wait. We’re all about trying new ways to experience hookah flavors today, remember?Isfahani Premium Tombac Hookah Tobacco

After properly soaking the tombac, you can choose one of two methods to prepare your hookah bowl. The first method will be more familiar to a modern hookah smoker. All you have to do is shred up the tobacco leaf into small pieces and then pack a bowl, same as you would with normal shisha flavors. However, you do not use foil for this shisha. The big difference is that the hookah charcoal will sit directly on the shisha.

Method two is a little more involved, but in our opinion it is the best method for smoking tombac. After soaking the tombac, take the wet leaves and wind them around the bowl adapter on your hookah. You will not be using an actual bowl for this method. Simply wind the tombac leaves around the bowl and form a cigar shape. You then place the coal on the top of the tombac and it will smoke similar to a cigar.

A word of warning, however: tombac will produce a very unique and strong flavor and aroma. Because of this, you might want to use a special hookah explicitly for tombac. The smoke will not be as thick as when you’re smoking modern shisha flavors, so if you are after clouds rather than flavor then tombac might not be for you. But if you’re looking for a more authentic experience, check out tombac!

We have Isfahani Premium Tombac at SouthSmoke.com, a premium, natural tobacco leaf without any glycerin or natural flavors. Go back in time and give it a try!