WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.

Fumari Mochaccino Flavor Review

Fumari flavored hookah tobacco mochaccino review

Fumari Hookah Tobacco Review: Mochaccino

Fumari has been a well-loved hookah tobacco brand since their founding in 1997. They began as a small hookah lounge in Southern California, where they started producing their own line of flavored tobacco that quickly began to rival even the oldest names in the hookah industry. Their tobacco’s unique, innovative flavor combinations and top of the line quality pushed Fumari to fame quickly and helped them become a household shisha name!

Fumari is 100% vegan friendly as they do not test on animals or use any animal byproducts! The medium choppy cut of this hookah tobacco has been perfected throughout the years, with small batches being prepared daily to properly uphold their tagline of “strikingly fresh!”

Fumari Tobacco Pack ‘n’ Prep

Fumari hookah tobacco is relatively juicy with a high glycerin content and a medium choppy cut. It will usually perform best with an extra-fluff pack to the rim of a phunnel hookah bowl, such as the Vapor Hookahs Utopia Bowl, which is what I chose to test this flavor in.

My hookah of choice for the day was one of our newer models from everyone’s favorite handcrafted Egyptian hookah brand: Khalil Mamoon! I used the Khalil Mamoon World Cup Shell Shell with this shisha, which performed amazingly. This is probably one of the prettiest hookahs I have seen from Khalil Mamoon. It has inlaid colored glass all throughout the stem, ice chamber, base, and hos handle. I cannot get over how well this smoked and how it looks.

I also chose to utilize some of our Charco Flare Coconut Cube Hookah Charcoals, in which I started with two before adding in a third around 20 minutes into the hookah session.

Fumari Mochaccino Flavor Review

The smell of Fumari Mochaccino is like opening a can of fresh ground coffee with a light sprinkling of chocolate chips. It smells like that perfect early morning hookah smoke to get the day going or to even enjoy as an afternoon dessert.

Smoking it was around the same as the smell. This flavored shisha is very heavy on the coffee flavor, with the chocolate notes following suite on the exhale. The taste I would compare it to would be a thick cappuccino with a slight dusting of coco powder on top. The chocolate notes are semi-sweet without overpowering that rich, deep coffee flavor that seems to rule this shisha.

The cloud production was fantastic, as usual, thanks to Fumari’s high glycerin content. There was never a dull moment with this hookah tobacco and I look forward to smoking it again in the future! Find Fumari Mochaccino shisha on SouthSmoke.com in 100g and 1kg sizes!