We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.
With so many coconut hookah coal brands on the market, which one is ideal and offers consistent quality, price, and a vast selection of flats, cubes, and quarter circle shaped coals. Well, there is one brand that fits the bill and SouthSmoke.com proudly presents the entire line of Charco Flare Coconut Hookah Coals! Listed below are the different options and sizes for each coal product by Charco Flare:
Charco Flare is the first Coconut Coal manufacturer to produce coconut coals in a quarter circle size. The reason for this is because the quarter circle cut coals fit perfectly into the Kaloud Lotus and other popular heat management devices in the market. No more need to use cubes or flats when using a heat management system as Charco Flare has you covered. Charco Flare Coconut Charcoals in the quarter circle version are available in a 16 piece box and 112 piece box.
Charco Flare is famous for the variety of cube shaped coconut hookah coals that are available. Cube shaped coals are perfect for Hookah lounges and those wanting to have a perfect smoking experience. The Charco Flare cube is a perfect 25mm cube and works perfectly. Charco Flare Coconut Charcoals in the cube version is available in the 12 piece box, 72 piece box (1kg), 144 piece box (2kg), and 720 piece lounge box (10kg).
Charco Flare offers a flat version shaped hookah coal but just in one unique package offering. Flat shaped coals are great for Hookah smokers looking to experience a perfect smoking experience. While you may have hookah smokers that enjoy cube coconut coals, others do enjoy flat rectangle coconut hookah coals. Charco Flare Coconut Charcoals in the flat rectangle version is available in a 108 piece box.
Next time you’re in the market for Hookah Coals, check out the large variety of Charco Flare Coconut Hookah Coals that are available at SouthSmoke.com!