WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.

Blazn Burner Vs. Traditional Coil


blazn-burnerThere is nothing wrong with using a traditional heating coil to preheat your favorite coals. “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Traditional heating coils have been used for many years and will continue to be used: They are reliable and they work.

The only downfall to a traditional heating coil is the amount of time it takes to heat up. They are also considered to not be the safest form of heating coals and are prohibited in many dorms across college campuses due to the fire hazard they present. This is where the makers of the Blazn Burner found an opportunity to improve the hookah smoker’s experience.

The Blazn Burner is 60% more efficient and 40% faster than traditional coils. It uses infrared bulbs that to heat coals instantly and safely which allows for a more instantaneous smoking experience. Now, the everyday smoker has the ability to smoke when they want instead of waiting on the coil to take its time. Adding a Blazn Burner to your hookah smoking toolbox will definitely not disappoint.

Check out the Blazn Burner on SouthSmoke.com and get your smoke on faster!