We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.
For a while there in the past year or so, Al-Fakher Golden just about disappeared from the US hookah market. Everyone was wondering why and we were all left with no answers, only assumptions! Many were afraid it was discontinued and gone forever. But surprise, the full line is back with the addition of two new flavors!
The traditional Bahraini Apple, Eskandarani Apple, Double Apple, Black Grape, Rose, and Strawberry have now welcomed Orange, and Fresh Mint to the Golden Series. They have also come out with a newly designed box that is velvety to the touch, very fitting for a premium line of shisha.
Maybe some of you are asking yourself, what is so special about Golden Al-Fakher? What makes it any different from the regular line of Al-Fakher hookah tobacco?
Well, it starts with a premium cut of French Tobacco leaves combined with a bold flavoring. Think Nakhla and Nakhla Mizo hookah tobaccos. The Golden Al-Fakher line is in the same concept. While Al-Fakher fans are loyal to the brand, Al-Fakher Golden fans take it a step further. This goes to show the quality of the line and the level of enjoyment that it offers.
So if you have never tried Al-Fakher Golden tobacco and are curious about why it has such a loyal following why not take this opportunity and give this hookah tobacco a try! We are pretty sure once you taste and experience this unique line from Al-Fakher, it will stay in your favorite stash for years to come.
Browse SouthSmoke.com today and pick up a 250g jar, you won’t be disappointed and keep watch for the two new flavors to arrive any day!