We are the leader in providing high quality hookahs for your smoking pleasure.
Don’t blame your hookah! Your choice in tobacco hookah has very little to do with achieving the smoke clouds you desire. While there is no one exact thing to produce your perfect cloud, a number of different factors play into generating impressive smoke clouds.
So what are these factors? Is it your choice in flavored tobacco? Is it the hookah itself? Well, applying certain techniques when setting up your hookah and hookah tobacco will successfully get the smoke clouds you desire.
Hookah tobacco is the first thing to consider. Hookah tobacco manufacturers know that the average American smoker wants to create impressive smoke clouds. To meet this demand, many manufacturers of shisha flavors add particular ingredients which help create larger and thicker clouds. Besides your choice in tobacco for hookahs, the fluff of your hookah tobacco (how tightly you pack it) while in the bowl influences the size of your clouds.
Pro tip for packing your hookah tobacco: Never pack the shisha tightly; you want your hookah tobacco loose. This allows air to circulate freely around the pieces of shisha hookah tobacco, which will encourage bigger smoke clouds. Sprinkle your hookah tobacco in the bowl rather than pack it, and you’ll get more airflow.
Luckily, different hookah tobacco flavors don’t impact how the smoke clouds look; clouds aren’t dependent on certain flavored tobacco. So while you may prefer specific types of flavored tobacco, any are ideal for a great time when smoking. This way, you can enjoy any of the varied hookah tobacco flavors without worrying about the quality of your smoke clouds. All flavored tobacco is great for making smoke clouds.
Hookah accessories can also affect your desired smoke clouds. Your choice in foil vs. metal screen can impact your clouds, as well as how many sheets of foil you use at one time. Your choice in hookah coals will also change your clouds. You will see a difference when switching from two to three coals.
Many factors come into play when producing desired smoke clouds. From hookah tobacco to hookah accessories, achieving the perfect hookah session doesn’t come the first time – it is something you have to work towards. But as the saying goes, “it’s about the journey, not the destination.” If you simply enjoy yourself while smoking, you’ll eventually learn everything you want.
Let SouthSmoke.com help you achieve perfect smoke clouds. Browse our tobacco for hookahs, shisha hookah tobacco, hookah accessories, and more. Find the flavored tobacco you prefer, pick your accessories wisely, and you’ll have your desired smoke clouds in no time!